Citrullus colocynthis is a perennial plant that can propagate both by generative and vegetative means.
It primarily reproduces by vegetative means, with the majority of shoots arising from rhizomes.
But they also have an additional range of vegetative means of spreading that gives them their pernicious reputation.
The plant grows rapidly, and reproduces through vegetative means.
Perennial plants can be propagated either by sexual or vegetative means.
A number of commonly cultivated plants are usually propagated by vegetative means rather than by seeds.
It spread (and was spread) rapidly through northern Europe (by vegetative means, as it sets no seed).
It reproduces via vegetative means through fragmentation, asexual means through soredia, or sexual means through ascogonium and spermatogonium.
Propagation is by vegetative means.
The species relies entirely on vegetative means to reproduce, and is not known to have any sexual structures.