No other vehicles awaited us in the Stoneberry cul-de-sac.
Sales of multiple recalled models were suspended for several weeks as a result of the accelerator pedal recall, with the vehicles awaiting replacement parts.
Only 686 vehicles, or 25 percent, had been auctioned off by the county through July 1; another 454 vehicles were awaiting disposition.
They were passed through the various check- points and back to the roof where their vehicle awaited them.
The vehicle is currently out of service awaiting repair and has been replaced by ex Walkergate bus 19157 for the foreseeable future.
The vehicle was awaiting Langhorne when he stepped to the street.
Tanks and armored vehicles await on a flood-lighted parking lot.
Several vehicles were awaiting the officers at Landing Field A to take them to their quarters.
Tapping his wristband, he activated his link to whatever vehicle awaited him.
Six vehicles, including an armor-plated Cadillac, awaited him at the private hangar.