Motorcycles are the only major motor vehicle category in recent years in which death rates have risen.
The vehicle categories having special license plate numbers prior to the reform (police, administration, or the armed forces) are now in the general scheme.
In all cases when the last number 9999 number is exhausted the next letter is used for that vehicle category.
As with trucks and other vehicle categories, there is a large market for performance-enhancing equipment designed to fit small cars.
The government began keeping detailed statistics on the safety of vehicle categories in 1994.
Some vehicle categories have various lower maximum limits enforced by speed limiters.
This vehicle category has become so popular that auto manufacturers around the world have newer and more innovative models already in the concept stage.
The fare is the same regardless of the length of journey but depends on vehicle category.
In Europe, the classifications for vehicle category are defined by:
"The most critical shortages are in communications, electronics and wheeled vehicle categories," the report said.