Once we were close to the spin axis of Rama, where there was no gravity and very little atmosphere, the vehicle hovered in place for two or three minutes while it changed its external configuration.
The vehicle ignited and took off, hovering a few inches above the ground.
Much like the Remnants, vehicles and Manipulators will take damage from submersion unless the vehicles can hover over the water.
Anyway, as I was sayin', this vehicle like whirlin' liquid metal hovered over my Clara as she was standin' exactly where I'm standin' now.
About six feet in diameter and weighing 300 pounds, the vehicle can take off and land vertically and hover over targets.
The sleek British vehicle hovered a few inches above the ground while I got in, and then his chauffeur began taking us back to his house in the Ngong Hills.
The design documentation stipulated that the vehicle, weighting 8,5 ton, would hover at 200-250 mm above water or ground surface and travel at 120 km/h.
The similar vehicle whose soldier passenger was still astride the saddle now hovered twenty centimeters above the rock.
The vehicles featured numerous hidden gadgets like water skis and hover jets.
Kirk recognized the glow of an aerial searchlight approaching as whatever vehicle hovered over the shop began to change position.