It was and still is used on the ground as well, both vehicle mounted, in fixed fortifications, and on occasion carried by infantry.
It is lightweight and designed to be two-man portable, as well as vehicle mounted.
The vehicle mounted the pavement, and ran a few yards before Richardson brought it under control again.
In some cases, these vehicles will also mount Mine-clearing line charges.
In addition the vehicle mounted a mass of sophisticated sensors.
Two dark blue armored troop carriers and a vehicle mounted with an antiaircraft gun accompanied the column out of the burning village.
The curbs of the structure are sloped, so longer vehicles can mount them if necessary, but some 18-wheelers are having trouble negotiating the tight turns.
The vehicle mounted a cast steel turret with two arms holding three rifles each.
Radar guns can be hand-held, vehicle mounted or mounted on a fixed object, such as a traffic signal.
The pursuer threw himself aside as the vehicle mounted the pavement, slamming into a lamppost.