The vehicle skidded out of control and overturned, apparently when an axle failed.
She was sure the vehicle would overturn and they would break their necks.
At the apex, the vehicle overturned and crashed to the ground.
Young Dove's vehicle careened across the highway, crashed into the right barrier, and overturned several times.
Thirteen soldiers were brought to the military hospital, injured when their vehicle overturned, doctors said.
The vehicle hit a rut in the road near Market Lavington and overturned.
The army said that gunmen firing from the side of a road shot her in the back, and her vehicle overturned.
In April 2009, a vehicle overturned on the beach after being hit by a wave.
Last week, two Canadian soldiers were killed when their vehicle overturned in an accident.
A young boy was killed on the weekend when his off-road vehicle overturned, crushing him.