Aerial units are often tasked to assist in vehicle pursuits.
Despite being foiled on this occasion, the incident resulted in a vehicle pursuit and one police officer injured.
Only the sedan is permitted to engage in a vehicle pursuit, pursuant to department policy.
Which brings me to my current obsession: televised vehicle pursuits.
He laments the state of today's coverage of vehicle pursuits.
In the first 10 months of this year, for example, San Jose officers were involved in 63 vehicle pursuits, resulting in 23 accidents.
The unit assists by acting as an aerial command post coordinating everything from burglary or robbery in progress calls to vehicle pursuits.
There would be no vehicle pursuit.
One focus, officials close to the investigation have said, is on whether the Riverside County deputies violated department regulations for handling vehicle pursuits.
It is designed to end vehicle pursuits by spinning the fleeing vehicle with a nudge to the rear quarter panel.