Pritchard was arrested for investigation of vehicular assault and driving while impaired, the police said.
Establishes that driving while intoxicated after having been convicted of vehicular assault or manslaughter within the previous 10 years is a felony.
But the Senate would also create a raft of new felonies, among them aggravated vehicular assault and murder for drivers with prior drunken-driving arrests.
He pleaded guilty to vehicular assault in 1996, and served 60 days in a work-release program.
Numerous home viewers, fearing for Lawler, immediately called the police to report what they had just seen as a legitimate vehicular assault.
The driver of the first vehicle, Alexie Quiles, 26, was charged with vehicular assault and driving while intoxicated, the police said.
He has been charged with driving while intoxicated, vehicular manslaughter and vehicular assault.
The latter is often referred to as either vehicular assault or aggravated assault with a motor vehicle.
Mr. Alulema was also charged with vehicular assault and reckless endangerment.
He pleaded guilty to vehicular assault and is serving a five-year prison sentence.