It is preserved in 16th- and 17th-century paper and vellum manuscripts and one fragment of about 1400.
The Codex Wormianus is an Icelandic vellum manuscript dating from the mid-14th century.
It's not only vellum manuscripts that researchers have in mind when the subject of the library comes up.
Consider hieroglyphs and imagine the horror of a spelling mistake carved in stone, or an ink splodge on a vellum manuscript.
Most scholars have considered it as derived from the same vellum manuscript as the others with additions from the author of Fljótsdæla saga.
He sleuthed alone in the musty stacks, he hovered over the mahogany drawers lined with vellum manuscripts.
They also include a few vellum manuscripts, and more recent Arabic manuscripts on paper (for example, the medieval P. Oxy.
The Buddhist works within Schøyen collection consists of birch bark, palm leaf and vellum manuscripts.
The library manuscript collections contain some 15,000 items, the oldest vellum manuscripts dating from around 1100 and are among the earliest examples of written Icelandic.
Nevertheless, a vellum manuscript of the poem may once have existed.