Suddenly he felt a part of that vast velvet canopy.
The drapes were drawn, but he could see the shape of carved bedposts, and the droop of the velvet canopy over his head.
The green velvet canopy was drawn back, and she could see Lysira lying motionless under a soft fur cover.
It's that piece of furniture between the window and the hearth, with the velvet canopy and the mattress stuffed with goose down.
One night he found himself beneath a heavy velvet canopy.
The main room has a four-poster bed with a green velvet canopy and a fold-out futon in a balcony above.
There was a velvet canopy of deep purple over his head.
The tombs were once furnished with carpets, chandeliers and velvet canopies on silver poles.
Note the outdoor bed with the flowing velvet canopy.
The black velvet canopy hung above it had to be renewed.