Tied-back velvet draperies separate the dining room from a bar-lounge.
The thick velvet draperies were pulled nearly closed, only a sliver of the world outside showing through.
The peach-colored velvet draperies were drawn back, and through the heavy glass he could see London spread out below.
At one end of the wall, tucked behind a rotting velvet drapery, stood a low door.
Thick velvet draperies separate this entry from the dining room.
There is a lot of black velvet drapery, antique statuary and Victorian furniture in evidence.
I set fire to eleven hundred dollars' worth of blue velvet draperies one time.
The velvet draperies swung aside and a young woman entered.
At the single window, gray velvet draperies, trimmed in red and white silk fringe, were installed.
He started, flung the velvet drapery over the body, and went to the door.