No mystery of velvet shadow and darkness?
Dragging her mind from that memory, the girl stumbled into another, a windowless room filled with black velvet shadows.
Inside, the stall was a mass of velvet shadows and the herbal scent was thick enough to bottle.
Patton spat into the black velvet shadow of a manzanita bush.
Avoiding the smooth craters that identified the hot springs, they plowed across the shallow bowl of the lake, trudging in velvet shadows.
Moving languorously in the soft glow and velvet shadows, she put the knife on the nightstand and slid naked into bed.
Something flashed in the velvet shadow of the mountain, and she saw the dragon.
Terrors unfolded in the velvet shadows and while the nature of the talons may change, the nature of the beast does not.
A velvet shadow, he turned and caught, the young one's outstretched hands, pivoting inside the young man's reach.
Gradually their eyes became used to the darkness, became accustomed to the velvet shadow, and they saw draperies as of mist against the dark.