But then, as he hurried across the velvety green grass, he passed a young cleric.
She enjoyed the touch of the velvety grass as she stole across it toward the house.
The house was surrounded by a rolling front lawn that became an expanse of velvety grass, where family and friends could sit and lunch on picnic blankets all summer long, the slightest breeze causing deep green ripples across the grass.
On a little knoll carpeted with velvety grass sat Isaac and his Indian bride.
She and Kat spent several unproductive minutes wandering the pre- cisely edged gravel pathway, then boldly set out across the velvety grass.
Two hours later, under a bright sun, Chester settled the heli gently onto a patch of velvety grass surrounded by varicolored tulips directly before the ornately decorated portico of the old house.
Placid hills thumbed out of the clay, all velvety with grass, or patched with straggling woods; harvesters raising ochre dust as they cut and threshed in the fields.
The ones who could control themselves, or who had not fainted with exhaustion earlier, were helping those who were still lying on the velvety green grass; trying to wake them from their faint, helping them to their feet.
Instead of the ubiquitous driveway leading up to the front door, a raised green plaza made of satiny smooth saturnia stone and velvety grass now greets the visitor.
Following $45 million of recent renovations along the famous mile-and-a-half strip, carpets of velvety grass form a new green belt between Waikiki's sand and asphalt.