Arts at St. Ann's was established in 1980 with an eye to the past: to draw attention to a venerable landmark, one of the oldest churches in Brooklyn, and to create a public use for the building.
It is one of the region's most venerable landmarks.
One of the Garden District's popular tourist attractions, the church structure is a venerable landmark.
Unlike Warsaw, Cracow was spared destruction during World War II; and the accumulations of its history are evident everywhere, in the venerable landmarks and the texture of daily life.
One of the most venerable landmarks is Gracie Mansion, the official mayoral residence for more than 60 years, which is now looking shabby.
Some of the buildings and houses they erected in the past are in good preservation as venerable landmarks of a glorious past.
Not to forget two other venerable Irish landmarks of New York.
To this day nobody knows for sure why the venerable landmark suddenly crumbled.
The new 160,000-square-foot building, which cost $137.5 million, could not be allowed to upstage the venerable landmark, but it had to assert its own character.
The play tells the story of two women, Lettice Douffet and Charlotte Schoen, who meet when complaints are made about the way Miss Douffet gives guided tours through London's venerable landmarks.