All of this evidence casts serious doubt upon the popular theory that Thutmose III ordered the destruction in a fit of vengeful rage shortly after his accession.
In a vengeful rage, Willow storms after Glory, unsuccessfully trying to defeat her.
They had taken similar measures against Baron Harkonnen when he'd come to the Mother School in a fit of vengeful rage.
Or would die--- Bink launched himself at his enemy again, experiencing a vengeful rage he had never felt before.
There was a flare of vengeful rage in her eyes.
Three had been mortally wounded, and in a vengeful rage, his clansmen had burned every croft.
Frank had spent his sleepless night in impotent vengeful rage, wishing he could bring Kurth back from the grave in order to squeeze the life from him with his own hands.
And now, like the fire that had swept up the cross, a terrible, vengeful rage swept through Tom.
None obeyed his wish; the debtors had learned to avoid a Ferengi in a vengeful rage.
Eboli only just escapes from being stabbed by Posa, on Carlos intervention, and exits in a vengeful rage.