The Softbank Corporation, one of the world's largest investors in Internet-related businesses, is starting a third venture aimed at increasing access to the Internet at high speeds.
The Model 58 was a private venture aimed at overseas air forces, capable of providing both basic and armaments training.
Gill also played a leading role in the organising of the Carte du Ciel, an ambitious international venture aimed at mapping the entire sky.
From the 1950s fewer adventurous films were attempted and solidly commercial ventures, largely aimed at the family market, were made instead.
In 1959 Goscinny and Uderzo became editor and artistic director (respectively) of Pilote, a new venture aimed at older children.
"Realm" is released by Fox/Lorber's New Video Group, a venture aimed at getting unusual material into video stores.
Another is the creation of Guardian Sustainable Business, a venture aimed at supporting companies in acting on their social, environmental and economic impacts.
There have been other ventures aimed at creating so-called smart homes, but the idea has not caught on yet.
He is now deeply involved in nascent ventures aimed at small-business people.
After founding successful companies in computer-aided engineering and custom chips, Kamran Elahian found ready backers for his third venture, aimed at creating a truly "personal" personal computer.