The joint venture will offer Internet services like strategy, design, marketing and technology.
The new joint venture, with assets of $200 million, would offer consumer and commmercial loans and sell financial services.
But it is not at all clear just how big the national appetite is for what these ventures are offering.
But a joint venture between two market research and consulting companies offers perspectives on which products seem to draw consumers or repel them.
The venture is offering equipment for under $2,000 that would allow customers to read office e-mail through a special modem.
As well as e-books, the venture is offering readers hard copies, if requested, for around £13.
The venture will offer engineering and building services to architects in the European Market.
For the residents of these cities, such ventures may offer an economical way to bridge the gap.
At the very least, such a venture would offer a noteworthy point of comparison to the current $635,000 a day that NJ.
The new venture will also offer trading of United States companies, the officials said.