The venue also presents dance, lectures, and literary readings as well as low-key performances in its cafe.
Renamed the New York Cultural Center, the venue presented temporary shows of distinction: it was the city's first bona-fide kunsthalle.
Nor do they seem particularly concerned over the competition that such dealers and venues might present.
The venue now presents over 350 concerts and around 250 education events in its two auditoria; the 400 seat Jim Marshall Auditorium, and smaller studio space at Stage 2.
The venue has a 493-capacity theatre and presents a mix of comedy, opera, dance, music and drama.
The venue presents live music five nights of the week, Wednesday through Sunday, with occasional Tuesday concerts.
The venue presents over 150 performances a year and over 75 arts and music education classes each week.
It provides a venue for the college's student photographers to express and present their view of the people and the world around them.
The venue presented the outdoor musical drama "UTAH!"
The alternative venue presented "AlieNation" on a S.A.D. night as its contribution to the IndigNation celebrations.