Weak verbs are formed by adding alveolar (t or d) endings to the stem for the past and past-participle tenses.
This is unusual from a Western viewpoint, though one parallel is that new Basque verbs are only formed periphrastically.
However, as noted above, most finite verbs are formed periphrastically, using an auxiliary verb in conjunction with the verbal noun.
Numerous perfective verbs are formed from simple imperfectives by prefixation.
In the progressive tense, verbs are formed with a "be" verb + ing.
Normal verbs can be formed using the following morpheme pattern:
Many verbs are formed from nouns by addition of -le.
Paʕal verbs are never formed from four-letter roots.
Like paʕal verbs, nifʕal verbs are never formed from four-letter roots.
Many verbs are formed from nouns or adjectives with -le: