The verbal barbs and potshots continued this season in line with Bird's method of breaking a young player down before building him up.
Vinnie is mild-mannered and henpecked, making him an easy target for Speed's verbal barbs.
He is immensely charming and apparently immune to verbal barbs.
After several seconds of both men trading verbal barbs, Michael stands up and walks toward the front of the bus.
His verbal barbs at the time included, "Why are you in the game?"
The verbal barbs are more pointed.
The two men have been exchanging verbal barbs for the better part of 15 years as they have struggled up Virginia's political ladder.
Grey was not shy about tossing verbal barbs at the governing Liberals.
Even after Wells tossed verbal barbs at his manager at a hazardous time, he described a simple way to find happiness.
Their formal, decorous society provides a setting for dialog that is rich in double entendres and verbal barbs.