BY repeating words 'in our head', verbal material (such as telephone numbers) can be kept in working memory almost indefinitely.
The use of advance organizers in the learning and retention of meaningful verbal material.
Another controversy concerns the fact that most traditional tests of APD use verbal materials.
The concern is that if verbal materials are used to test for APD, then children may fail because of limited language ability.
The effect of articulatory suppression:Memory for verbal material is impaired when people are asked to say something irrelevant aloud.
His memory impairment was particularly noticeable with verbal material.
But it makes no difference in what shape the content of our verbal material may come.
On the number of sets required for testing the significance of verbal material.
Less retention of verbal material and lower abstract reasoning were the strongest predictors, the report said.
For the counting task and verbal material, fixation cards with a central + were used.