This happened in the shadow of a volcano, in these verdant fields.
The human burial ground was a verdant field, stretching as far as the eye could see.
A lush paradise, with pure skies, verdant fields that were ripe for the hunt!
They had left behind verdant fields and slow-flowing rivers for a concrete labyrinth.
The first sight that met the away team's eyes were acres of lush, verdant fields planted in perfect lines.
He looked out across the verdant fields of sugarcane bathed silver in the moonlight.
Its doors slide open, and the children spill happy and laughing into a verdant field.
Past the village rooftops, verdant fields of sugar cane shimmered in the breeze.
To the north and west lay verdant fields of grass and clover.
A serene sky and verdant fields filled me with ecstasy.