The administration wants North Korea not simply to freeze its program but to declare its full commitment to ending the program in a complete, verifiable and irreversible way.
The administration, this official said, has firmly ruled out offering North Korea any concessions until it unilaterally abandons its nuclear program in a "complete, verifiable and irreversible" way.
Establish a verifiable way of calculating the primary word and character counts for a given electronic document.
How much of that could be true in a hard, verifiable way?
Districts must demonstrate their accomplishments in verifiable ways that allow the state to draw comparisons across districts as well as racial and ethnic groups.
The absence of a verifiable way to close credit card transactions on-line prevented an "all on-line" trade system.
"The goal is to dismantle a nuclear weapons program in a verifiable and irreversible way."
This methodology defines a process of capturing business rules in natural language, in a verifiable and understandable way.
"I would certainly like to see an articulation at this meeting that they are prepared to give up their program in an irreversible, verifiable and complete way," he said.
It also prohibits political groups from raising financing by providing services, unless these are paid for in a verifiable and documented way, in other words, through bills.