The club were perennial losers and with the club spiralling towards oblivion, Ryan would perform a veritable miracle in 1981, leading a rag-tag team to the Grand Final.
"Penicillin was the first, and it was a veritable miracle," says Goyan.
The fact that it didn't end just that way amounted to a veritable miracle.
As soon as he is aware of his danger he will exercise more caution: his ingenuity is a veritable miracle.
A veritable miracle, the reward for his humane treatment of his giant savior, had wrought his salvation in an extremity from which only a miracle might have saved him.
After her tour ended, she spoke to the press and emphasized the "veritable miracles in surgical and medical skill" that she had witnessed.
The veritable miracle of Translation, it was about to take place here and now, upon the person of Citizen Boyne!
If for Shakespeare, the great plays were veritable miracles, Woolf writes, they would have been impossible for his imaginary sister.
You are going to need a veritable miracle this time.
Rightfully used, they will work veritable miracles in human relations.