The main street is a narrow promenade with a number of well-maintained buildings in the early 20th century Jamaican vernacular tradition.
The home is a classic example of the stone houses built in the area by the Huguenot settlers, reflecting their vernacular traditions.
Within the history of Norwegian architecture, vernacular traditions form a distinct and pervasive influence that persists to this day.
Los Angeles has its own vernacular traditions.
The town features a number of well-maintained buildings in the early 20th century Jamaican vernacular tradition.
"I wasn't familiar with some of their vernacular traditions, such as the pooja room, but the courtyard concept is also very important in Egyptian culture."
But just before extinction, the national romantics proclaimed a revival of vernacular traditions, including sod roofs.
For the first time, Korea began to draw on its own vernacular traditions to forge a national esthetic voice.
Elements of vernacular tradition can be seen in the adaptations to the local tropical climate.
The original building is a three-story plus an attic wooden mansion and whose architecture was inspired by European vernacular traditions.