Even so, he would never return to the busy, versatile career he once had.
It's a strange and versatile career Bill Murray has, but there is nothing fluky at work.
During his long and versatile career, Yamagata held numerous important governmental posts.
He has led a versatile career in film, stage and television in a wide range of roles.
Throughout his eight decades as a professional musician, he cultivated a versatile career and recognized musical style.
In his versatile career Baapiraju wrote over hundred stories.
Anders Koppel (born 1947) has had an extremely versatile career in rock, classical and world music.
His has been called 'the longest, most distinguished and most versatile vocal career which history records.'
Thereafter, she had a versatile career on the west coast of Scotland, lasting over 32 years, including providing cruises between 1977 and 1982.
Although Bara took her craft seriously, she was too successful as an exotic "wanton woman" to develop a more versatile career.