Using a distorted version of Lex's own voice, the Predator spoke.
My version of her voice was usually calm and collected; this time it was shrill.
Hearing a version of Spock's voice that sounded so much weaker than it should had a softening effect on the mood in the conference room.
She even sometimes goes so far as to write in her own version of Alyona's voice.
"Hello," she said with a baby-soft version of Hafsah's voice.
Slowly the creature moved to the railing; then it spoke in a gargling version of Jode's voice.
I heard a mechanical version of my voice begin to explain the massacre at Chupan Ya.
Even this dim version of his voice managed to catch her attention with its hard certainty.
An instant later came the word "Buck" in a distorted but definitely recognizable version of Holden's own voice.
A high-pitched version of Pal's voice called from a table nearby.