Spinal discs do not have their own blood supply, but receive nutrition in part from the blood supply to the vertebral bones above and below them.
These small branches penetrate into the vertebral bone through small openings such as the intervertebral foramina.
A laminectomy is a surgical procedure that removes a portion of the vertebral bone called the lamina.
Using a high-speed drill with a very fine bit, Wheeler made holes in the vertebral bones on either side of the spine.
Kyphosis (curved back): These fractures often create wedge-shaped vertebral bones, which makes the spine bend forward.
Spondylolysis also runs in families and is more prevalent in some populations, suggesting a hereditary component, such as a tendency toward thin vertebral bone.
Diatoms that don't add up, weirdo baby hair and the vertebral bone.
Spinal fractures often create wedge-shaped vertebral bones.
Horace Thompson and I bent obediently over the line of spiky vertebral bones.
The space between the vertebral bones of C1 and C2 2.