They put on light quilted jackets, combat boots, and nylon overalls, then rolled up the sleeping-bags and set them in a vertical crevice.
A vertical crevice slashed through the moss-dappled rock.
She was huddled high in the mountains in a vertical crevice of rock.
He scrambled toward the sound--and found Jewel wedged In a vertical crevice, bleeding from a gash on the head, but definitely alive.
My feet are stacked on top of each other with the toes wedged into a vertical crevice known as a jam crack.
The plant is cultivated, for instance in vertical crevices where its roots are not subject to winter wetness.
His father's eyebrows separated then snarled over the vertical crevices above his nose.
It usually grows tightly wedged into horizontal or vertical crevices in exposed rock or cliff faces.
Deep vertical crevices appeared in the middle of his brow and he let out a feeble stream of air through pursed lips.
Then I got a better view, and realized that this wasn't a man's bare posterior, but a rounded stone with a vertical crevice.