A revised emblem was located on the vertical divider on the grille for all Torinos except the Cobra.
Gazing up at the 54th Street side, an onlooker counted at least three different window styles, including a particularly unfortunate one with thick vertical dividers.
Many other pieces of Mycenaean artwork share the same basic pattern of two opposed animals separated by a vertical divider, such as two lambs facing a column and two sphinxes facing a sacred tree representing a deity.
In order to prevent cruise ships from sinking should something penetrate the first two lines of defense, vertical watertight dividers known as bulkheads are installed throughout the interior of the hull.
External changes were minimal, consisting mainly of a new five-bar metal grille without the vertical dividers, nicknamed the "electric razor grille".
A combination of vertical dividers between sections and a horizontal course over the water table give it a half-timber effect.
The chrome molding on the hood lip was wider than on the 1953 models and a large chrome upright in the center of the grille replaced the five vertical dividers used previously.
A continuous narrative does not have any dividers between scenes and actions, vertical dividers, which create a frame.
In 1988 the building's exterior was remodeled and the light blue glass with white backing used as vertical dividers between floors was swapped for a tan non-glossy material.