The bark is light gray, with prominent dark reddish-brown vertical fissures.
The bark of lasura is grayish brown in color with longitudinal and vertical fissures.
The line ended suddenly, but when he looked closely he saw that it went straight up now, a thin vertical fissure in the rock.
The bark is rough, with deep, vertical fissures and the young shoots leaves are silky.
In the wild, head standers are often found face down, tail up in narrow vertical rocky fissures.
Lead had traditionally been found by following veins from surface outcroppings, particularly in "rakes" or vertical fissures.
Mining the vertical fissures of Gilsonite was difficult, as the veins were often quite narrow.
The bark is a creamy, grey, with vertical fissures.
The bark features vertical fissures, and it flakes off in plates.
The scar he had inflicted on the hull was visible even now, a vertical fissure down one side of the spire.