A mysterious, blue-haired man who wears an eye patch and under it were 3 vertical gashes.
There is also a vertical gash up one of the obelisk's faces, which look like a canal from above.
I pointed to the vertical gash on his cheekbone.
There were vertical gashes of pink and white where nothing like that was supposed to be, so that it barely looked like an eye at all.
Mr. Jones said that when they entered, the painting already had a vertical gash four to six inches long.
A little higher, seemingly no more than a stone's throw away, was the vertical gash of the Hillary Step, and slightly beyond that the summit itself.
Louisa pointed to the vertical gash that split the rock face from the base of the cliff to the crest.
Far from accomplishing what they intended to do they merely spoiled the pyramid by leaving a large vertical gash in its north face.
A slantingly vertical gash opened the side of AndFriend.
The punches opened up a large, vertical gash next to Wells's right eye and blood streamed from it.