Here, walls were water standing in vertical sheets, and ceilings were coherent, bubbling brine.
It stood across the path, a vertical full-length sheet of glass, big enough to reflect a complete man.
In the center of one avenue, for example, there was a small crowd gathered around a vertical sheet like a billboard or an illuminated sign.
The petaloids comprise vertical sheets of tubes filled with sand.
The whole wall trembled, like a vertical sheet.
"Collector, you called him," said the caravan master grimly as he watched the reflection in the vertical sheet of water.
He was safe here even with the transom sections open, for between them remained a vertical sheet of bulletproof glass, fixed permanently above the door.
In the windless valley, it dropped from the sky in vertical sheets.
The meeting point reached the top and stopped there, a vertical sheet of liquid silver spraying out from what appeared to be a solid arch.
He was moving swiftly along the ledge like a fly on the surface of a vertical sheet of paper.