The bark is gray with vertical white striations and has a ridged texture.
Late afternoon sunlight cast long shadows in the cliff's vertical striations.
The general colour is varying sombre shade of olive green or brown with vertical striations on the column.
The narrow upper surface of the crest was hard and bony, but the sides were rilled with beautifully fine vertical striations.
Dirt should pick out the vertical striations of the pages of the books, articulating the surface, making it more interesting to look at.
Prisms faces often have heavy vertical striations that produce a rounded triangular effect.
Further, the ratio of horizontal to vertical striations suggested that Gibraltar 2 may have been primarily carnivorous.
There were irregularities: vertical striations and unevennesses in the exposed, broken soil.
Posteriorly, the propodeum is concave with some fine vertical striations.
Poorly formed fingernails containing vertical striations are diagnostic.