How the vessels collided in clear daylight has not been determined.
Before depth charges could be dropped, the vessels collided, with each side claiming to have rammed the other.
Although the two vessels did not collide, he said, the other boat "caused waves that put the stern underwater."
Just before it looked like the vessels would collide, he saw open space and knew they were past the cruiser.
The two vessels collided and remained locked together for a few seconds before the submarine sank.
"Do you have control over whether this vessel collides with Alaj and causes widespread destruction?"
The two vessels collided, and Avenger suffered considerable damage to her starboard side.
In other words, a novice will think that two vessels which appear to be heading apart from each other cannot collide.
Survivors confirmed earlier suggestions that the small ferry was overloaded when the two vessels collided in the dark.
As a result, the two vessels collided and became entangled in each other's rigging.