These vessels and nerve cross the pelvic surface of the obturator internus.
Because the vessel crosses an international border, illegal aliens have been known to try to enter Canada on the Boblo boats.
It springs from the ophthalmic artery as that vessel is crossing over to the medial side of the optic nerve.
As the vessel crossed the Panama Canal, two sailors discovered him and alerted immigration officials in Miami.
A third vessel, the Guatemala, is crossing the Atlantic to become an added member of our fleet.
It was said of Britannia that 'a better-balanced and better-built vessel never crossed the starting line.'
Later, the strategic location and deep-water channel close to the coast brought in the bigger vessels of the trade-wind traffic crossing the Indian Ocean.
The superficial temporal vessels and the auriculotemporal nerve cross it from below upward.
This reduces confusion and enables that vessel to cross the lane as quickly as possible.
When two power-driven vessels are crossing, the vessel which has the other on the starboard side must give way and avoid crossing ahead of her.