Nonetheless, not doing anything would be tempting fate, particularly if the other vessel dropped out of warp space with all weapons blazing.
Space shimmered a short distance away, and a vessel dropped out of warp space.
Then the glowing gas puffed out and the vessel dropped away.
During the night of the 24th, the Colombian vessels dropped out of sight.
The vessel departed the area on the 7th and dropped anchor at Eniwetok 10 days later.
The vessel had taken too many hits and was swiftly dropping in the water.
As the vessel dropped closer, the thrumming became a roar that was so loud he thought he would scream.
On the front screen the black vessel heeled and dropped, trying to plunge beneath the Enterprise and away to safety.
That's when I learned that a well-run vessel can never drop its vigilance.
"Unidentified vessels just dropped out of warp, Commander," Jackson replied.