From somewhere high above the boat Kevin watched the carefully restored vessel glide along, its huge wheel churning, generating small, eager waterfalls.
We reached the spot where last we had seen movement, and the vessel glided to a standstill while every man upon her decks gazed around eagerly.
The 40-person vessels glide into a water-filled caisson where the door closes to form a watertight seal.
The vessel, steered by no one that we could see, glided away from the pier and headed out into open sea.
Still the vessel glided with a strange celerity, as if it were being inhaled by the Raw.
The vessel glided to the pier; the sailors cast the mooring lines and leaped ashore.
Samothrace, Summer, 357 BC The crossing had been calm and the vessel glided smoothly into dock, the three banks of rowers backing oars to slow its progress.
The vessels, which are wind-propelled, have been gliding across Bellport Bay since 1874.
The vessel glided through the oddly motionless mist, oars creaking faintly, a light plashing rhythm to match the strokes.
With slowly increasing speed the vessel glided upriver, curving toward the marsh-lined mouth of the Alguenya a few miles north of Maerone.