The following morning the vessel grounded some 200 metres from shore, just off a tourist beach.
Reports that the vessel either grounded on Hanus Reef, several miles away, or later drifted there were in error.
Both vessels grounded, and both sides attempted to board the other vessel.
However, the line parted when the vessel grounded again.
Any vessel with a draft deeper than ours would be grounding itself about now.
Vaughn shook hands with the colonel who'd accompanied him in the boat, then walked over to where Daniel's vessel grounded softly.
On the next day their vessel grounded on a reef and it was impossible to float off until 10 September.
On September 8, 1897, the strong current swung Nakusp out of control and on to the Kootenay Bar, where the vessel grounded.
This "enlivened" the steering; yet the rudder was not vulnerable to damage when the vessel grounded.
The vessel grounded with a rasp like that of a huge wave combing in while still offshore by her own length of more than a hundred feet.