Included in the tour is a 20-minute ride in a small vessel known as a bumboat.
To generate business, a contract to lease the vessel known as a charter party is drawn up between the ship owner and the charterer.
The oldest ceramic vessels known so far already display a very high quality.
This requires a vessel known as a mash tun, which is often insulated.
The milled grain is mixed with hot water in a large vessel known as a mash tun.
"I have been informed that the vessel known as Oh Seven B is no longer your property."
And wait till you see the painted ceramic vessel known as the Dazzler Vase.
No, not on board a vessel that crawled with every sort of bug known to more than a dozen races.
But the implications are wider, involving the whole class of vessels known as bulk carriers.
There are multiple classes of vessels known as Cape class: