The vessel resembled a swan with its wings opened towards the wind, gliding on the water.
The vessel resembled nothing so much as a sprawling, metallic plant like those McCoy remembered from his grandmother's garden and the swamps of the far South.
Ceramics from the Taperinha site near Santarém, Brazil date back to 5130 BCE and include sand-tempered bowls and cooking vessels resembling gourds.
The vessels built by Webb and Allen, designed by Isaac Webb, resembled Humphreys' but had one less port.
Tibetan butter tea contains rock salt and dre, a butter made from yak milk, which is churned vigorously in a cylindrical vessel closely resembling a butter churn.
In size, appearance, the half-sunken vessel resembled but one craft that The Shadow had ever seen: the missing Z-boat called the Barracuda!
Whether intentionally by its makers or simply as a result of an unfortunate esthetic, the vessel resembled, at least to Riker, some sort of bizarre mixture of a predator insect and the head of a trident.