A vessel will only work on the particular soul it is intended for, and has no effect on any other escaped souls.
The vessel is capable of transporting 240 troops, but now works alongside the royal yacht.
"And if the vessels aren't working you have to redefine the programs."
Taking his inspiration from the shape of the human eye, Mr. Frias decided that an elliptical vessel would work best.
Some people have wondered why the tetsubin was developed, when a perfectly usable vessel such as the yakkan would have worked.
The unmanned vessel, known as a Scorpio 45, then worked for several hours, trimming the material that ensnared the submarine.
I refused even to consider the possibility that my vessel might not work under water!
Forty-six vessels worked 24 hours a day.
Some vessels worked the beast's remains.
The American vessels and helicopters in the northern gulf are working closely with British and Saudi forces, officials of the three nations said.