By "buzzing" her tongue once a day for 20 minutes, keeping the pulses centered, she regained normal vestibular function and was able to balance.
Patients may also experience tinnitus, vertigo, and loss of vestibular function (ataxia).
A patient who has a problem with proprioception can still maintain balance by using vestibular function and vision.
However, it is more likely that this symptom can be attributed to altered vestibular function.
He was especially interested in vestibular function and disorders associated with the vestibular system.
This was the first, and for some time, the only volume on vestibular function in English.
However, vestibular function improves rapidly due to compensation by the other ear and other balance mechanisms.
However, Ménière's is known to "burn out" when vestibular function has been destroyed to a stage where vertigo attacks cease.
This ability couples vestibular function with sensory echolocation to hunt prey.
In either case an acute head injury will often result in dizziness and a sudden loss of vestibular function.