Levy said he really hasn't thought this season about how long his veterans can continue.
For years afterward, veterans continued to suffer from the debilitating diseases contracted during the campaigns.
The veteran of the pitching staff continues to be Charlie Hough, a 39-year-old knuckleballer who last year had a 17-10 record.
We feel that both our veterans and younger players will continue to benefit from his experience.
The veterans continued lobbying on Capitol Hill all day.
However, divorce does not separate children from either of the parents and a veteran continues to receive money for the care of their children.
These days even hardened veterans - perhaps especially hardened veterans - continue to see things they've never seen before.
But injured veterans have no voice and must continue to suffer the pangs of second-class citizenship.
After the war the young veterans continued for a time to carry their guns this way, though they did dispose of the cumbersome holster flaps.
All the same, some veterans, and academic historians have continued to praise Haig's leadership.