Yet, already veteran politicians are marveling at how the contest has unfolded in ways they never dreamed of.
Richard Edmonds (born in Hounslow, London, 10 March 1943) is a veteran British far right politician.
She withstood the full force of Mr. Giuliani's public anger --an experience that has caused many veteran politicians to wither.
Why did so many veteran politicians rush to jump on the Dean bandwagon just before it turned into a sinking ship?
He is known for his political tactics as comparable to veteran politician K. Karunakaran.
The poll depicted an electorate that is so embittered and cynical that it is far less likely to believe in political parties and veteran politicians.
Rather, the debates came too late in the race to alter substantially its dynamics, and both candidates were veteran politicians already well known to opinion makers.
Its members tend to be veteran politicians or part-time politicians at the national level, often having other roles.
Carlot Korman addressed Regenvanu in these terms: "I, along with your father are veteran politicians.
Scandal and decay attach to veteran politicians like barnacles to a whale, but Mr. Dillon's hide is smooth.