But now scientists and veterinary doctors say they believe that Ames is common throughout Texas.
Several went to others in the bear group - medical and veterinary doctors who have offered to voluntarily sterilize the bears if need be.
There are currently about 262 full-time staff against a sanctioned strength of 300, including forest rangers, wildlife keepers, biologists and veterinary doctors.
By the year 2000, Dr. Freeman said he expected that women would represent 37 percent of the veterinary doctors.
Nowadays there is municipal office, police station and veterinary doctor.
A veterinary doctor will be on the premises, available by appointment.
My next-door neighbor is a veterinary doctor.
Her father Mahendra was a veterinary doctor, who had earlier worked as a lawyer.
Twin daughters of a veterinary doctor and in the story they help their father in the clinic.
In 1925, horses and cows died possibly due to pollution, recorded a veterinary doctor.