He raised his veto pen and killed the bill, for the thinnest, most cynical of reasons.
Of course, the veto pen of the president is another restraint on the budget process.
That then would throw the budget ball back into the governor's court, where he has promised to receive it with veto pen in hand.
And although his veto pen may have been misplaced for most of the last six years, he found it again this summer.
I've shown that I know how to sign that veto pen pretty good.
Foremost among them is the veto pen, which he has until April 12 to use.
President Clinton's veto pen is the final defense.
We call that a veto pen back in Texas," he quipped.
"He still has the veto pen," said a senior Administration official.
Republicans know their bill will never get past President Clinton's veto pen.