Approximately 50% of the viable spores should bypass cdc15Δ (as indicated by 5-FOA resistance) if the Tab +phenotype was due to a single mutation.
If the dogwoods appeared to be disease-free this year, there may not be a need to clear away fallen leaves as there would be no infectious spores viable.
Even though the perithecia occur on dead bark, they still have the ability to produce viable spores the next year.
In A. x ebenoides (as distinct from A. tutwilerae), the sterile spores are malformed, although viable spores can apparently form by apogamy on rare occasions.
Probiotics are live microorganisms or viable spores which support the development of a beneficial gut microflora.
From this Tyndall was led to find viable bacterial spores in supposedly heat-sterilized broths.
These oospores can survive for up to 4 years; there are some reports of spores remaining viable 13 - 15 years.
After sporulation and tetrad dissection, all 15 of the 15 tetrads dissected yielded 2 viable spores.
Haploid MDN1(HA) clones for subsequent work were derived from tetrads that had yielded 4 viable spores with the anticipated mixture of genotypes.
In one instance, a complete secondary proliferation was noted (i.e., growing from a primary proliferation) that developed completely so as to produce viable spores.