The gulf is a vibrant natural environment, which has however seen significant damage during the 20th and early 21st century from human use.
"I had never recognized this was such a pristine and vibrant environment."
It has a vibrant academic environment to nurture and inspire its young student community.
There is a vibrant environment in the area.
To him, it was a sign of a vibrant environment where a lot of learning was happening.
Today's Southern is a vibrant, culturally rich and ethnically diverse environment.
These have provided for an innovative and vibrant academic environment within the faculty.
Catering to every interest, it will be key in providing residents with the best facilities and vibrant environment for active community living.
We think the mix of people give an intellectually more exciting and vibrant environment.
The artist transformed the living room into a vibrant black and white pattern-on-pattern environment that recalls the psychedelic art of the 60's.