His performing career began as a vibraphone player in local and touring bands (Saint Vincent Jazz Festival).
Wednesday night, he sat in with Steve Pouchie, a vibraphone player, and his band at Willie's.
Piscopo had met Miceli when he reached out looking for a vibraphone player for a gig at a casino in upstate New York.
In 2008 Tony Miceli created the website http://www.vibesworkshop.com/, a resource for vibraphone players, students, teachers and aficionados.
After showing great promise as a vibraphone player in his high school's jazz ensemble, he went on to play in a variety of rock and roll bands; Jeffster!
The vibraphone player, Angelo J. Vaglio, picked up the beat with "Witchcraft."
Gary Burton was the energetic vibraphone player; Cafe provided delicate percussive effects with a small garden of exotic instruments.
The world of vibraphone players can be roughly divided into those who play with two mallets, and those who play with four.
He is also a vibraphone player.
Hugg is a competent pianist and an able vibraphone player but his main role in Manfred Mann was drummer.